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What is the Body Code™?

​Our emotions are energy. And each one has its own frequency. Negative emotions – like sadness, discouragement, and anger – can become trapped in our body as “balls of energy,” which affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


In fact, Dr. Bradley Nelson, the retired chiropractor who created The Body Code technique, says that trapped negative emotions underlie all dis-ease. 


Using The Body Code technique, I can uncover and release trapped negative emotions – sometimes with dramatic positive results, such as relief of pain, increased energy, an improved

relationship, and reduced anxiety.


If you have “emotional baggage,” I can help you get rid of it.

What Barbara's 

Clients are Saying


It's amazing to know that I have the power to heal myself with The Body Code!!!!

~ Paula G., California, USA


There were moments where I sensed wow...that feels true, or gave me an explanation of why I had been feeling a certain way all my life. Either way, it felt quite amazing to even think my body would hold all this information and I would have no idea where it had come from.

~ Judy L., British Columbia, CANADA


I would describe these sessions as energy work that is painless, sometimes emotionally charged, and helpful in getting to problems you no longer are aware of.

~ Chris B., Florida, USA


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